What to Expect With New Dentures

If you decide to get new dentures, be prepared to take some time getting used to them. You will have to eat differently and be more precautious on certain foods. However, you get your confidence back when you get new dentures. Those who have missing or bad teeth will feel more confident in their appearance and in themselves when they get a new set of beautiful, white teeth. This could mean getting full dentures or partial dentures. It depends on what you and your dentist decide on what you need the most.

You should also be prepared to clean them properly. Some people might think that since they aren’t real teeth, they don’t need to clean them as regularly or at all. This isn’t the case, because they will still go in your mouth and cause bad breath if you aren’t cleaning properly. Brush them gently each day to make sure you don’t put more bacteria into your mouth.


Are There Any Food Restrictions With Dentures?

When you think about dentures, they’re almost like having braces. There can be food restrictions for people who decide on getting dentures. Here are some food choices to avoid if you can:

  • Peanut butter
  • Steak or chewy meats
  • Nuts
  • Candy
  • Popcorn
  • Any kind of sticky food

These types of food can either get stuck on your dentures or embed themselves underneath your dentures. Or in some cases loosen your dentures. In any of these cases, you might have to visit your dentist to make sure you don’t irritate your gums further.


Eating with Dentures for the First Time

After getting your new dentures, you probably want to eat all your favorite foods. However, you should always start slow when you eat with dentures for the first time. Each person is different so go by what your dentist instructs after they release you with your new set of artificial teeth.

It’s always safer to take precautions, so when you are eating with dentures for the first time, take it slow. This means when you are eating, you should eat soft or liquid foods such as:

  • Tomato soup or any soup that has soft food items
  • Mashed potatoes or other mashed up food
  • Yogurt or pudding
  • Applesauce
  • And other soft food choices

Your dentist might give you more food options to eat, or you can ask for more information about the types of food to eat after you get your dentures.

You can eventually eat harder foods once you get used to chewing these soft foods with your new dentures. However, if you feel severe pain or soreness, you might want to consult your dentist.

When you get your dentures, make sure you still visit your regular dentist. As you age, your mouth will change. Therefore, you might need periodic adjustments to your dentures. Also, be aware that if your dentures don’t fit properly, food and other bacteria can get stuck underneath your dentures.

Are you looking for dentures in Houston, Texas? You should consider Acadian Family Dental as your family’s dentist. We pride ourselves in caring for each of our patient’s oral health. Contact us today to set up an appointment or any questions you might have about dentures. Don’t wait before it’s too late, come see us today!