Acadian Family Dental
Dr. Perkins & Dr. Driver
A Veneer is a cosmetic dental appliance that enhances the look of your smile and helps to improve the way that your teeth function. They are usually used on front teeth and are designed to blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. They are custom made for each patient, which means that they will fit your mouth comfortably and without any need for adhesives.

The process involves more than one sitting, but it is often worth the time investment after seeing the results. Your dentist will need to numb your mouth while removing a small layer of enamel and then make a mold of the tooth, or teeth, to be sent to a laboratory where the veneer can be carefully crafted. You will need to return after one or two weeks for the placement.

After returning, the veneer must be trimmed to the exact measure your tooth requires and a specific cement selected to ensure the correct final color. The tooth is then ready to be polished up for bonding. Once the veneer is in place, your dentist will use an ultraviolet laser to harden the cement so that it remains permanently in place. With a few final touch-ups, you will be ready to show off your newly corrected tooth or teeth.

If you have front teeth that are chipped, crooked, stained or decayed, veneers may be a good choice for you. You can get veneers on any of your front adult teeth. If you need to have braces to correct your bite, the dentist will usually wait until the braces are removed before applying them. A dental veneer is a cost-effective and permanent way to correct cosmetic problems.

The process of placing a dental veneer is straightforward and simple. Your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel and then slip the veneer over the front surface of your tooth. The veneer may be made of porcelain or composite materials, so the dentist uses a specialized adhesive that is activated by a light. Once the adhesive is set, the veneer will be permanently attached to your teeth.

Be advised that you may be directed to stay away from certain foods and beverages such as coffee or tea, which can stain your new veneer. Ultimately, scheduling a visit with your family dentist is the best way to determine what is right for your situation.

Acadian Family Dental is a great place to begin taking care of your teeth. Call us to discuss if veneers could be a solution to your specific issues.

After getting dental veneers, you may feel more confident about your improved smile. Your new self-confidence can even lead to you smiling more, being more social and enjoying having your photo taken. Dental veneers also:

• Match the color and shape of your other teeth
• Last for many years
• Fix small gaps that do not benefit from orthodontics
• Can be brushed and flossed like your natural teeth

At Acadian Dental, we strive to be your first choice and our team is ready to book your next visit.

In addition to providing porcelain veneers to patients in Northwest Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas, we also offer the following cosmetic dentistry services: tooth-colored dental fillings, teeth whitening, and Botox & Juvederm.

northwest houston veneer patients smiling