Acadian Family Dental
Dr. Perkins & Dr. Driver

While you may not give much thought to gum or periodontal health, it matters more than you might think. Your mouth is filled with bacteria, and if you don’t practice good oral hygiene, you are at risk of developing gingivitis or, worse, periodontitis. Gum disease can harm far more than just your teeth or gums. It is associated with higher rates of heart disease, respiratory problems, and strokes as well as the most obvious risk of tooth loss.

One of the most common oral diseases is periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. Periodontal disease is much more common than you might think as the World Health Organization estimates that about 15 to 20 percent of middle-aged adults suffer from severe periodontal disease.

We use noninvasive techniques for patients in the earliest stages of periodontal disease. Scaling and root planing is the standard of care for the beginning stage of periodontitis. Through this technique, our dentist carefully cleans the roots of your teeth to remove plaque and bacteria. You may need regular treatments to prevent gum disease from worsening.

If your periodontal disease is already advanced or does not respond well to root planing and scaling, we offer surgical treatments to help you. Pocket reduction surgery allows us to reshape the contours of your teeth’s roots and your gum tissue so that we can more effectively clean them. If you have lost some gum tissue, we offer soft tissue grafts to help protect the roots of your teeth. Bone grafting for your jaw can also help.

More than 45 percent of Americans over the age of 30 suffer from some form of gum disease, a percentage that increases to over 70 percent for those over 65 years old. This statistic is especially alarming considering the fact that there are several easy, simple steps that can help prevent gum disease. This include:

  • Brushing regularly with a soft electric toothbrush
  • Always brushing or using mouthwash after eating or drinking sugary drinks
  • Flossing regularly
  • Getting regular professional tooth cleanings

As cigarette smoking causes gum disease, quitting smoking will improve the health of your gums as well as that of your lungs and heart. Since diabetes can cause gum disease due to the increased risk for infection, diabetics should work closely with their health care providers to manage their disease.

In addition to treating early-, middle- and late-stage periodontal disease, we can also help you lower your risk of having your condition worsen. Our dentist may be able to prescribe a medication that helps to correct problems such as dry mouth, which worsens periodontitis. We can also prescribe antibiotics to help get rid of gum tissue infections that cause periodontal diseases.

If you have pain, swelling or bleeding in your gums, Acadian Family Dental is a trusted source for quality dental care and periodontal treatment for clients in the Houston, TX, area.

In addition to providing Periodontal Treatment to patients in Northwest Houston, TX and the surrounding areas, we also offer the following restorative dentistry services: Dental Bridges, Dental Crowns, Root Canals and Bruxism & TMJ Treatment.
