Acadian Family Dental
Dr. Perkins & Dr. Driver

Acadian Family Dental wants you to treat symptoms before they become major health concerns.

If you are experiencing oral pain or discomfort let the experts at Acadian Dental examine you to determine whether you need treatment.

If indicated, a root canal can preserve your tooth as well as heal or prevent infection.

A root canal is a dental treatment during which the pulp and nerve around a decayed tooth is removed, and the inside of the infected tooth is cleaned. The pulp or tissue around the tooth has to be removed when it’s damaged because it starts to break down, allowing bacteria to develop in your mouth. If left untreated, these bacteria can lead to the formation of abscess, a pocket of puss. Next, the tooth is sealed.

The nerves inside a tooth can be removed because they aren’t vital to its function after the tooth breaks through your gum line. These nerves only aid the sensory system of your mouth, such as sensing cold and hot.

There are many reasons to consider having a root canal instead of simply pulling the infected tooth.

• Pulling teeth creates an open space between your teeth. This extra space weakens the overall foundation of your remaining teeth.

• You need to replace missing or pulled teeth with artificial teeth, but a root canal allows you to keep your natural teeth.

• Most people consider root canals to be painless because the sensitive nerve is removed while under local aesthetic. Pulling a tooth, however, can often be painful enough that pain medication is prescribed.

The next time you need a consultation about a root canal, contact Acadian Family Dental. Drs. Perkins & Driver and their friendly and talented staff are ready to answer any questions you have.

Saving the Tooth
The pulp inside your tooth is made of nerves and blood vessels. If the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to a deep cavity, a crack or an injury to the tooth, bacteria can spread and threaten the tooth, the tissue around it and even the bone of your jaw.

Without a root canal procedure, the entire tooth may need to be removed.

Performing the Root Canal
The area around your tooth is numbed and dried so the pulp can be removed from the pulp chamber and the root canal. Next, the canal is cleaned and reshaped. In order to eliminate bacteria and reduce the chance of infection, we treat the root canal and pulp chamber with medication and then apply a rubber-like substance to seal it up.

Finally, we apply a temporary filling in the tooth to protect the newly treated root canal.

What to Expect With a Root Canal
Root canals are utilized to save your teeth, or as part of restorative measures to revitalize your smile. If you’ve never endured one before, we’ve outlined information to help you prepare for your procedure. If you’re about to get a root canal in Houston, here’s what you need to know.

Pressure, but No Pain
Through sedative means, you won’t feel any pain with root canals. These procedures remove the infected pulp from the roots of your teeth, ensuring that once the novocain or IV anesthesia has worn off, you’ll feel minor discomfort while recovering, and nothing else. Getting a root canal is all about removing the source of pain in your teeth, and removing infections before spreading to cause further damage, or develop into multiple infections across your teeth.

Most Patients Receive a Dental Crown After a Root Canal

Depending on the nature of your procedure, you’ll most likely be lined up to receive a dental crown following your root canal. In most instances, the hole is drilled directly from the top of your tooth down, allowing a simple cap to encapsulate your tooth. This removes the possibility of a future infection or decay from the inside out, and preserves your teeth for years to come. Dental crowns can last a lifetime with proper care.

Gum Disease or Inflamed Gums May Impede Your Recovery

Root canals take president over many aspects of your overall dental care. Removing the infected pulp is critical, however, gum disease can negatively impact your recovery. Your pulp will not grow back, and as a result, your gums surrounding your teeth need time to heal. When those gums are already compromised, it takes longer.

If you have been recently told by your Houston dentist that you need a root canal, you may have taken to a quick search regarding the process. There are certain myths about root canals that patients find, and quickly worry themselves. Here are the most common myths about root canals, debunked.

You Only Need a Root Canal if You’re in Pain

In many cases, a root canal can be used to save your tooth and save you from tooth-related pain. If your dentist sees issues arising in your oral healthcare, a root canal can be a proactive measure. You do not need to be in pain to identify the necessity for a root canal.

Root Canals are Painful

This myth has presided over many years of dentistry. Years ago, root canals would cause you a certain level of pain. However, thanks to cutting-edge dental tech, you’re able to experience virtually no pain whatsoever. Since it is a procedure that’s invasive upon your tooth, you may not even feel pressure.

Root Canals are a Temporary Fix to a Permanent Problem

When inflamed pulp is removed from your tooth, it relieves pain and rescues you from the perils of a potential extraction. Many believe root canals to eliminate pain, but only for a limited amount of time. With a proper root canal and crown, your teeth can last forever.

Tooth Extraction is Better

Another myth brought on by the belief that root canals don’t provide long-term results. When your tooth is gone, it’s gone. There is no putting it back. You can receive bridges and implants, but they aren’t the same as your natural teeth. Tooth extraction comes with more associated risks, since the patient is left to care for bleeding and post-procedural care at home.

Root Canals are More Expensive Than Extractions

In short, yes – if you receive a tooth extraction, at almost any practice, it is going to cost you less than a root canal. However, if you plan on replacing that tooth with a dental implant or dental crown, you will pay twice as much for your new tooth than you will for a root canal.

Your dental health is extremely important. Your dentist will always recommend that you save the tooth as opposed to extraction it. In the long-term, this will provide greater benefits than disadvantages. If you’re in need of a root canal or haven’t been keeping current with your check-up appointments, call our office to get re-established with your dental healthcare today.

In addition to providing root canals to patients in Northwest Houston, TX and the surrounding areas, we also offer the following restorative dentistry services: Dental Bridges, Dental Crowns, Root Canals, Periodontal Treatment and Bruxism & TMJ Treatment.

northwest houston root canal patients